about the portraits

The painting of a portrait, depending on scope, takes several weeks to several months. The process begins with you and I simply talking about what and who will be painted. I enjoy my client's  contribution if their schedule permits.

The paintings can either be done from a photograph or photographs that you send to my studio, or from photographs that I take in your home or desired location. 

We have conversations about what is the most meaningful and memorable scene that I can create for you. There are several steps that I take before I start painting the final piece, to translate your or your loved one's life into art.  This includes photograph selection, linear studies of various compositions, small color sketches, and a large line drawing.

If requested, I will send visual progress reports at several intervals.  I want you to be happy with your final portrait. 

Oil and mixed media or gouache

Composition drives the aspect ratio of the portrait. The paintings you see here range from under two by three feet and up to seven feet. 

The price of a portrait is individually, estimated, based upon complexity, number of subjects, style, medium and size. Portraits start at $5000 for for individual, $10,000 group, and up.

Museum-quality, hand-painted reproductions of the original can be ordered for other family members or for the office. Sizes are variable.

I welcome you to contact me for more information at 202-262-6725 or studiointheattic@gmail.com 

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